Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sleeping Training 101

I thought we had a nice little thing going, but apparently Mom and Dad have had enough of my inconsistent sleeping at night. We were on a steady routine of me getting up in the middle of the night to nurse and then refusing to return to my crib. When all else failed, I would get to snuggle up in my swing set up in my parents’ bedroom and finish the night swaying back and forth.

According to M&D, there were two problems with this. 1, they were tired of interrupted sleep and 2, I’m getting close to outgrowing that swing. A close third problem was that I never napped in my crib. I mean that’s just a crazy idea, right?

Enter radical shock therapy.

Sleep training 101 began with two attempted naps in my crib. I cried for an hour or more both times without a wink of sleep. Good times.

We went to dinner that night with my buddies Roy and Winston and I was so tired I fell asleep at the table. So embarrassing.

However, when we got home I went to bed with a just tiny peep. My parents checked on me a few times in the night and found me spun in a different direction each time, finally resting with my stuffed hippo in the corner.

I got up in the middle of the night again, but they forced me back into the crib after a feeding. More howling, but eventually sleep. This could take awhile.

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