Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hangin' with the guys (and a few gals)

Big day. BIG day.

A group of probably 12 of Daddy’s college friends came to Madison for the day to revisit some old haunts and see people (they say to see Mom and Dad, but I’m sure it was mostly to see me). Dan and Meg flew in from D.C., Jamie, Ann and Gijon came from New York City and a bunch more drove up from Chicago. Pretty neat.

We started out with my first trip to Madison’s legendary Farmer’s Market. Holy meconium… sensory overload!

First of all, it was hot and sunny out. Tough to be comfortable even when you don’t really sweat. Second, there was soooo much new to look at and experience I couldn’t focus on anything.

Mom walked me in the Bjorn so I could see everything (and by everything, I mean everything not obstructed by Mom since my face is smashed up against her). People, dogs, flowers, bread, art, cheese. Sooo much cheese. Pretty awesome though

We had lunch outside at a little deli. I wasn’t having it.

None of Mom and Dad’s friends that were there have kids and I think I freaked them out a bit. Wasn’t one of my finest performances. Just general malcontent. Let’s just say I probably lengthened the birth control plan for most of them.

I gathered myself with a nice long walk in the stroller (the hum of the road usually does the trick) down to the Memorial Union Terrace. When we were there I got the sense that Dad and his buddies spent a lot of time there. They seemed quite comfortable.

I chilled (ironic choice of words considering the heat wave, no?) and Dad played a new game called Beerfinger. They wouldn’t let me play. No fair.

When Mom and I finally left, it had been quite a long day for me and my schedule was shot. Dad carried the torch for us into the night though.

He didn’t share details.

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