My official weigh-in was up to 8 lbs, 15 oz. (they really couldn’t round up to 9 lb? This better not happen if I’m a pound or two shy when I try out for Pop Warner football in a few years).
I was also measured at 21.5 inches, but I prefer 1-foot, 9-and-half inches. Sounds more mature.
Mom and Dad asked a ton of questions about me and what comes next and when is the right time for this and that. They wanted to know some things about our upcoming trip to Florida like suntan lotion for me, swimming pools, the ocean, flying, etc. Talking about all of those exciting things got me so excited I peed my pants.
Well, it was probably coincidental, but I’m excited nonetheless.
Another thing they asked the doctor about was when to introduce a pacifier. They’ve been waiting to make sure I don’t get nipple confusion or something like that. Really? Give me a little credit here that I can tell the different between sucking on skin that has milk coming out of it or a little plastic knob. Ye of little faith.
The Doc thought one month would be a great time to start me on a pacifier. So wouldn’t you know it, after the appointment mom went to the gym to work out and Dad and I went home. I got a little fussy a few minutes in and boom, the pacifier was out and in my mouth. Aaaaaaah… soothing.
I took to that bad boy like mold on a two-month old green pepper.
Since then, the pacifier and I have had a love-hate relationship. I really love that thing, but sometimes it puts me to sleep when I really don’t want to sleep. So then I spit it out and hate it. I have a similar relationship with lots of things right now like my swing, laying on my stomach, laying on my back, laying on my side… just when you think I love it… nope, hate it.
Just keepin’ it real.