Sunday, August 22, 2010

Mommy = Triathlon Stud

Daddy is off to Vegas with the boys! Mommy is off to Kenosha, WI with the girls! Hmm, which way do I go, which way do I go…

Sitting in sportsbooks and betting on my teams, doubling down in blackjack and basking by the beautiful people in the multiple Vegas pools sounds just perfect. However, food is my true passion so…Kenosha or BUST! Wisconsin is beautiful in the late summer anyway.

Ladies Weekend consists of shopping, eating, more shopping and most importantly, the Danskin Triathlon. Mommy worked hard these last four months since I came into the world to drop weight and get back in fightin’ shape. She was ready!

As for me, well, I found out that heat and humidity not only affects my hair but it affects my overall demeanor too. Anytime I hit the hot air I would let everyone know how unhappy I was. However, anytime there was air conditioning on, I slept like a rock. I definitely have GiGi and Mommy’s lack of love for heat (and ability to sweat)!

Now, I like to start my day around daybreak. Race day began at 4:30 a.m. Yikes. Mom threw my clothes on me and into the BOB jogger and we were (literally) off and running before I even opened my eyes.

At that time of day the mosquitos were AWFUL! My arms don’t want to quite reach my face when I went them to so unfortunately I ended up with 5 gigantic bites on my face before 6 a.m.

Very unsightly.

Nap time came early that day and before I knew it GiGi and Lindsey Snow were pushing me over to cheer on Mommy and the other ladies as they got out of the water! GiGi had to rush off to hop on the bike so Lindsey and Uncle Billy took me to a prime spot for watching the girls on their last leg – the run.

I was so excited when I saw Mommy coming running toward me (she told me later that I motivated her to run faster so she could get back to me sooner!) that I almost leapt off the fence I was sitting on!

It was so cool to see over 2,000 women run by! What a neat thing to experience. It was like a huge healthy party! Mommy and GiGi and all the ladies crossed that finish line and every one of them beat their times from last year. I like to think it was me that moved them along!

Just four months after giving birth to little ole me, Mommy completed the 750-meter swim, 20K bike, 5K run in 01:29:15. That’s 260th out of 2,000! Impressive Mom.

With medals in hand and money sufficiently spent, it was time to pack it up and go home to Daddy. I wouldn’t mind hitting up the bright lights of Vegas with the boys sometime, but it was a fantastic weekend cheering on the women!

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