Florida in June is hot. Really hot. But what a great trip. Lots of time with Nana and Papa Herb, sun, surf, golf, naps, eating… all good things.

During my Meet and Greet a few weeks ago I had a little heat rash/baby acne/allergic reaction. Basically, I was developing some unsightly red bumps on my face and chest. To be honest I think they bothered my parents more than me. Anyway, we were worried that the Florida heat might cause that to flame up again, but it didn’t at all. In fact, it’s gone. There goes the heat rash theory.
Next thought was that it might be an allergic reaction to strawberries. Mom was eating them somewhat regularly when I was getting the bumps and then she stopped eating them and they went away. Stay tuned.

We watched a lot of World Cup games in Florida… love those vuvuzelas. That buzz puts me to right to sleep (pictured at right).
I know what you’re thinking, but I assure you it’s not the nil-nil soccer that takes me to the land of nod. It’s the horns.

The picture at left is my reaction to the USA having their goal disallowed against Slovenia. Unreal.
Lots more firsts on this trip. I took my first boat trip down the Estero River and out to Ft. Myers Beach. Pretty cool, but a little breezy. Saw a few dolphins, birds, fish and plenty of the back of my eyelids on the trip.
Swam in a pool without a diaper (so liberating, but don’t tell the condo association). I also swam in the ocean for the first time. By swim, I mean Mom and Dad bobbed me up and down in the water. Nevertheless, it was fun.
The Gulf of Mexico temperature was a bathwateresque-86 degrees. I really liked it and no one would ever know if I peed. The trick was bobbing in the waves so that I didn’t get saltwater in my face and keeping the hot sun off me.

We tried really hard to keep the sun off me. Shirt with SPF, sun hat, baby-approved suntan lotion and sitting under a huge umbrella the whole time. But somehow I managed to get a little rosy on the cheeks. I saw Mom and Dad trying to tan, so if they think it looks good on them, why wouldn’t I want it?
No signs of oil by the way. Not a bit.
Nana and Papa watched me for a night while Mom and Dad escaped for a little date night. It was a win-win situation as far as everyone is concerned.
Other than that the week was spent going out to eat, a little shopping, Dad and Papa golfed a few times, playing cards, naps at the pool, thunderstorms in the afternoons. The huge booms didn’t scare me a bit thank you very much.
Speaking of booms… time to change my diaper.